SENSINK a réalisé une mission en Australie de développement de compétences de hauts potentiels et de cadres dirigeants d’un grand groupe international. Une expérience unique et très enrichissante et surtout à haute valeur ajoutée pour le client.
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From March 4th to 13th the GDF SUEZ Development Centre was held in The Rialto. The Development Centre is a behavioural assessment aiming at revealing an individuals potential. Its main objective is to make it possible for a person to take stock of a number of competencies laid down by the company that are thoroughly assessed by a standardised procedure.
The Development Centre makes it possible in this instance to take note of certain strong points and improvement area’s, with regard to the chosen competencies, and to initiate an analysis on the person’s development and to follow up with personalised advice. Thirteen participants ranging from our Senior Executives, those on our Leaders for Tomorrow program and individual employees participated. Course facilitators based in Brussels Pierre Mine and Anne Burniaux came to Australia to specifically conduct the program.
Carly Wishart General Manager Operations Simply Energy
“In February, I was lucky enough to attend a “Development Centre” as part of the LFT program. As the name suggests, the Development Centre is designed to ultimately act as a methodology for participants to develop an individual development plan. We spent a large part of the day assessing case studies and formulating business strategies, participating in role plays and answering a number of questionnaires. Sounds simple right? The day was an intensive one which certainly put me through my paces! Where the benefit of the Development Centre started to materialise was the follow up session we had with our facilitator. A one-on-one session lasting for 3 hours was excellent. I got insight into my personality traits, with real specifics on what my strengths and development areas are. It amazed me how some questionnaires could provide such detailed and scarily accurate findings. Our performance in the case studies were also assessed, which provided further information on how I work under pressure and evaluated my performance against a number of GDF Suez key competencies. All this enables me to have greater self-awareness, better understand my areas of strength and weakness and formulate a development plan so I can achieve my future career goals. The Development Centre is another great example of how GDF Suez develop their people with tangible outcomes”
Zac Carmody
GDF SUEZ Australian Energy
“The LFT Development Centre held in Melbourne was an extremely comprehensive and well run program, giving participants an opportunity to take stock of their professional development and better understand both strengths and areas in need of further improvement. I have no doubt that the program will long continue to be beneficial to my professional development and that I will continually revisit the outcomes of the program in the future”
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